<!--HTML--> <div class="indigo-container"> <div class="indigo-tabs"> <div id="indigo-app-header"> <div id="indigo-app-head1"> <div id="indigo-app-gif1" style="background-image: url(http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8bc0vivTi1qfb5cjo2_250.gif)"></div> </div> <div id="indigo-app-name1">first m. last</div> </div> <div id="indigo-app-basics"> <div class="indigo-app-basic-info">membergroup</div> <div class="indigo-app-basic-info">age</div> <div class="indigo-app-basic-info">occupation</div> <div class="indigo-app-basic-info">sexuality</div> <div class="indigo-app-basic-info">positive trait</div> <div class="indigo-app-basic-info">negative trait</div> </div> <div id="indigo-app-tab-bar"></div> <div class="indigo-tab"> <input type="radio" id="indigo-tab-1" name="indigo-tab-group-1" checked=""> <label for="indigo-tab-1">001.</label> <div class="indigo-content"> <div id="indigo-app-one"> <h1>basic information</h1> <div id="indigo-app-two"> <b>full name</b>: first middle last <br><b>age</b>: age <br><b>birthday</b>: month date <br><b>occupation</b>: occupation <br><b>hometown</b>: hometown here <br><b>gender</b>: here <br><b>pronouns</b>: here <p><b>parents</b>: </p><blockquote>first last, ##<br>first last, ##</blockquote> <br><b>siblings</b>: <blockquote>first last, ##<br>first last, ##</blockquote> <br><b>children</b>: <blockquote>remove if not applicable</blockquote> <br><b>pets</b>: <blockquote>remove if not applicable</blockquote> <br><b>sexual orientation</b>: here <br><b>romantic orientation</b>: here <br><b>relationship status</b>: here <p><b>mbti type</b>: infp, estj etc. <br><b>hogwarts house</b>: here <br><b>alignment</b>: here <br><b>positive traits</b>:</p><blockquote>at least five here</blockquote> <br><b>negative traits</b>:<blockquote>at least five here</blockquote> <br><b>likes</b>:<blockquote>at least five here</blockquote> <br><b>dislikes</b>:<blockquote>at least five here</blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="indigo-tab"> <input type="radio" id="indigo-tab-2" name="indigo-tab-group-1"> <label for="indigo-tab-2">002.</label> <div class="indigo-content"> <div id="indigo-app-one"> <h1>about</h1> <div id="indigo-app-two">write about your character here! it doesn't need to be an essay, just give us enough information to get to know your character! <p><b>Candy canes bear claw tart cake icing sweet.</b> Sweet roll tootsie roll icing. Sugar plum wafer dessert sugar plum sugar plum dessert ice cream candy canes. Candy fruitcake candy cake. Sweet cookie pudding cupcake bear claw sugar plum croissant pie. Soufflé cake bear claw tart chocolate cake chocolate cake gummi bears liquorice topping. Chupa chups chocolate bar muffin chocolate bar danish candy. Pastry cookie toffee cake dessert. Cookie gummies caramels. Dragée cake soufflé cotton candy gummi bears chocolate oat cake powder. Jelly-o pie caramels tart sweet donut sweet bonbon. Carrot cake liquorice cookie cupcake bear claw wafer croissant danish sweet roll. Ice cream cotton candy caramels. Macaroon powder croissant soufflé sugar plum gingerbread ice cream marzipan. Pudding tart tart topping tootsie roll topping tiramisu apple pie. Jelly pie pudding marzipan lemon drops oat cake ice cream bear claw. Chupa chups jujubes caramels bonbon brownie sugar plum. Wafer cupcake chocolate cake marshmallow tart. Tiramisu marshmallow candy oat cake cake. Marzipan tart donut dessert lemon drops icing tiramisu cheesecake fruitcake. Bear claw pastry dessert icing pastry chupa chups halvah brownie cheesecake. Muffin pastry bear claw cake wafer pudding tiramisu gummi bears sweet roll. Sesame snaps ice cream marzipan cake donut bonbon lemon drops pie. Croissant wafer marzipan powder tiramisu fruitcake. Tart candy brownie muffin sweet roll candy canes brownie tart. Muffin chocolate pudding cotton candy pastry tiramisu candy canes. Biscuit jelly beans dragée bonbon pie. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="indigo-tab"> <input type="radio" id="indigo-tab-3" name="indigo-tab-group-1"> <label for="indigo-tab-3">003.</label> <div class="indigo-content"> <div id="indigo-app-one"> <h1>relationships</h1> <div id="indigo-app-two"> <h2>platonic</h2> <p>words go here. this is a mandatory section</p> <h2>antagonistic</h2> <p>words go here. this is a mandatory section</p> <h2>romantic</h2> <p>words go here. this is a mandatory section</p> <h2>other</h2> <p>words go here. this section is optional</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="indigo-tab"> <input type="radio" id="indigo-tab-4" name="indigo-tab-group-1"> <label for="indigo-tab-4">004.</label> <div class="indigo-content"> <div id="indigo-app-one"> <h1>the player</h1> <div id="indigo-app-two"> <b>alias</b>: alias here <br><b>age</b>: age here <br><b>pronouns</b>: pronouns here <br><b>timezone</b>: timezone here <br><b>mature threads?</b>: yes/no <br><b>triggers</b>: here <br><b>contact details</b>: aim, discord, skype etc <br><b>other characters</b>:<blockquote> <membergroup>first last</membergroup> - ## <br><membergroup>first last</membergroup> - ## </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=25346"><div style="width: 550px; margin: 10px auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px; font-family: arial; text-transform: uppercase; color: #aaa;">liv's codes</div></a> <style> .indigo-container { margin: 10px auto; height: auto; width: auto; } .indigo-tabs { margin: 0px auto; position: relative; width: 550px; height: 450px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .indigo-tab { float: left; } .indigo-tab label { display: block; width: 84px; height: 20px; background: #fefefe; border: 1px solid #B1A3C3; margin: 0px 8px 0px 0px; position: relative; left: 130px; top: 422px; z-index: 1; text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; font-family: poppins; color: #B1A3C3; font-weight: 600; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 10px; line-height: 21px } .indigo-tab input[type=radio]:checked ~ label { background: #B1A3C3; z-index: 2; color: #fefefe } .indigo-tab input[type=radio] { display: none; } .indigo-content { position: absolute; top: 121px; left: 121px; background: #e0e0e0; height: 293px; width: 429px; opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: 0.6s ease; -moz-transition: 0.6s ease; 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